Year End Giving to the Small Business Relief Fund

End 2020 knowing you gave Small Businesses HOPE
We all know what makes West Seattle special. It’s the small-town feel. It’s your favorite deli that knows your favorite ice cream or a boutique that pings you when your favorite item has arrived.
Our businesses run on the passion and dedication of individuals like these owners. Without them, all of our lives would have changed – but most critically, those individuals who work to keep the entrepreneurial engines going. To make this relief fund count, West Seattle stepped up donating over $123,000 directly to small businesses throughout West Seattle.
The Small Business Relief Fund is still going strong, you can make a donation through the Junction (501c3) directly to your favorite business or to the Junction fund where the money is used for special programs and grants that support the small business engine. It’s kind of a perfect note to end the year.
Donations can be made via the Small Business Relief Fund form below. If you would like to donate to more than one business (many people have!), note the business name and amounts in the additional comments.
Pictured: Hey Dave! handing out the latest checks. Nyla at Cherry Consignment and Malika at Lika Love.