Walking on Logs, Need Volunteers
Posted on: September 16, 2013

Phillip Levine’s 1996 Walking on Logs artwork that welcomes us to West Seattle is in need of some upkeep.
The Walking on Logs Landscape Group is looking for volunteers to help with a cleanup of the Walking on Logs site on Saturday, September 21 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. We will be weed whacking, hand weeding and picking up trash . Volunteers should wear good shoes (parts of the site may be muddy) and bring their own gloves if possible, although we will have some gloves on site. If you can bring your own small hand tools, it would be appreciated. Water and snacks will be provided. We will meet at 9:00 am at the gate on Fauntleroy Way SW near the intersection of SW Andover Street The gate is a bit north of the crosswalk that goes over the highway. A sign will be posted marking the gate. If you need further information please contact Nancy at nldriver@q.com.We hope to see you there! Keep that West Seattle love going.]]>
Posted in Junction News