Dine Out for Dakota
Posted on: December 8, 2017

Dine Out For Dakota[/caption]
Save the Date! Dine out for Dakota on December 12th
The Urban Homestead Foundation is partnering with West Seattle restaurants on December 12th for a Dine Out event that will help raise money for the purchase of a property located at 50th and Dakota, across the street from Genesee Hill Elementary school. This property will be the location of the Dakota Homestead and will be developed into a vibrant corner of sustainable green practices and urban agriculture, providing a place to celebrate our natural resources through demonstration gardens, classes and seasonal events. The space will also serve as a food hub and seed lending library, connecting neighbors with each other and local farmers. In addition, the land will provide a wild space for schools to use as curriculum enrichment in topics such as edible gardening, urban wildlife, seasonal cooking, crafting and home finances. Junction restaurants have agreed to donate a portion of food sales towards the purchase of this property during the Dine out for Dakota event from 5 to 8pm on December 12th: Great American Diner and Bar, Falafel Salam, Matador, and (Admiral District) Mission Cantina. Enjoy a night out and support these local businesses who are helping the Foundation achieve their goal of preserving the Dakota Homestead forever! For more information about the Urban Homestead Foundation or to donate to the cause, please visit their website at: www.urbanhomesteadfoundation.org ]]>
Posted in Events, Junction News