Winner! – #wssummerfest Photo Contest

Summer Fest weekend went by in a whirlwind of color, music, fun. We had a great time organizing the festival, and were thrilled to see how many people posted and shared the good times being had at Summer Fest on their social media. Perusing your photos under the hashtag #wssummerfest was the perfect capstone to our Summer Fest experience, but choosing a winner for the #wssummerfest photo contest was not easy!
We had so many very excellent entries from across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with Instagram (not surprisingly) being the most heavily represented. We wanted to include a few shout-outs to some amazing honorable mentions that we’ve included in the photo mosaic above:
@mrbobbailey, @jujualkibeach, @kariesyourstylist, @adamway, @samkindofwonderful, @kristonisms, @urbansoule, and @katebraden.Thanks for posting your pics and for sharing your Summer Fest experience with us!

We thought that her Instagram pic really captures the essence of Summer Fest family fun and having new experiences together – which gets exactly to the heart of the festival. Wouldn’t it be amazing to relive seeing your first live band? We felt like we did when we saw Tracy’s photo! Tracy has won a $100 shopping spree to The Junction! We’d like to say congrats to Tracy, and to everyone who participated in the contest. We’re already looking forward to planning next year’s Summer Fest and can’t wait to blow your minds once again. Thanks for coming out this past weekend!]]>Another priceless reaction to the music: MIND BLOWN. #wssummerfest #peytonsivilay #babybanz #11monthsold #musicfestival