West Seattle… We Have That!

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  • We’ll be TALKING about the importance of local businesses and the role they play in our community.
  • We’ll be ENGAGING our community to explore how we can strengthen our partnerships.
  • And we’ll be APPEALING to the neighborhood to shop at local businesses to help West Seattle thrive.
Our local business flavor is a big part of what we love about our ‘hood.  West Seattle is awesome because whether you’re talking about cool shops, the best ice cream, stellar parks, people who care, the walk-all-ways intersection, or the best sunsets in Seattle, we can all say, West Seattle – WE HAVE THAT! This effort is a partnership between West Seattle Businesses, the West Seattle Junction Association and the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce. In the news… (most recent first) Buy local campaign to encourage spending with West Seattle retailers West Seattle Herald, July 3, 2013 http://www.westseattleherald.com/2013/07/03/news/buy-local-campaign-encourage-spending-west-seattl Life As An Independent Small Local Shopkeeper West Seattle Blog, June 29, 2013 http://westseattleblog.com/2013/06/life-as-an-independent-small-local-shopkeeper-the-lindas-tell-it-like-it-is]]>

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