Perfume 101 Class at Knows Perfume!

Perfume 101 classes start this month at Knows Perfume! Perfume 101 will be an informal and fun class to learn a bit about the history and artistry (not to mention the tricks of the trade!) of perfume. The class will be offered twice this month, so choose the date that works for you: either Tuesday, January 25th or Thursday, January 27th from 7:00 ’til 8:30pm. Cost is $15, $10 of which can be applied toward any purchase made that night. Space is limited, so call 206.397.3141 or email as soon as possible to reserve a spot. Perfume 101 will be an ongoing series throughout the year with a variety of topics.Check the Knows Perfume website for more information, including future Perfume 101 dates and topics.
*Photo: Geoff Carter]]>