West Seattle Junction Association COVID-19 from West Seattle Junction on Vimeo.
• Don’t touch your face (especially around your eyes, nose and mouth)
• Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
• If soap and water are not available, use at least a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer to wash your hands
• Cover your coughs and sneezes with an elbow sleeve or tissue
• Stay home when you are sick
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NEW! 15-minute parking spaces in the merchant-funded parking lots on 42nd and 44th. Look for the yellow A Boards.[/caption]
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Bread at Flying Apron[/caption]
Flying Apron
We are sanitizing surfaces more often throughout the day, no staff are allowed to show up with symptoms as defined by our sick-leave policy and we have removed self-service lids from the counters.
Verity Credit Union
Digital Banking and Telephone Teller remain available for your convenience and can be used for most of your banking transactions.
We are conscientiously wiping down surfaces thoroughly and often. Door handles and anywhere touched by the public. Also cash register, visa terminal, phones and counter. We’ve discussed this with the employees and everyone is on board and taking extra care. We always have soap and hand sanitizer on hand and launder the towels often.
Immediately after each class, Clorox Wipes are used to thoroughly wipe down each bike and set of hand weights
Our hand towels are washed in hot water with bleach
Staff are required to regularly wash hands
The front desk and lobby area is regularly wiped down with Clorox Wipes
Sick staff is instructed to stay home
For childcare, we ask that the parent does not bring their sick child into the studio
If clients are sick we ask them to please save their ride for another day
We always have hand sanitizer at the front desk and a variety of wipes and sanitizing soap in our restrooms
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Kitty patient at Greentree[/caption]
We are a medical facility so our cleaning measures are about the same and we have alcohol-based hand sanitizers available at all times and handwashing stations in each public exam room.
We carry a wide array of sanitizing equipment for PPE of staff, mostly alcohol-based hand sanitizer for public use and basic surgical masks for any obviously ill clients to wear.
Northwest Art and Frame
We have been sanitizing doors and counters as well as the credit card terminals throughout the day with Clorox wipes.
Pegasus Book Exchange
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Home delivery options from Pegasus Book Exchange[/caption]
Skincare by Casey
I have been taking lots of extra measures like sterilizing main areas, multiple times a day, wearing gloves and mask during all of my treatments, and disposing of used materials way faster than usual.
Spa Phoebe
Spa Phoebe wipes down all door handles, light switches, any touches surfaces and equipment. We also ask all of our clients to stay home if they are experiencing any cold/flu symptoms with
no charge for a late cancellation.
We use Clorox disinfectant wipes and OnGuard disinfect spray from doTERRA. The Spa is equipped with an air purifier for the common areas and essential oil diffusers for individual rooms with purifying blends used.
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Open for business and the COVID-19 sign at Spa Phoebe.[/caption]
Your local West Seattle businesses need your support! We are open at the bin Wednesdays through Sundays. We have free wifi and wines by the glass to help you work remotely.
If you want to replenish your wine stash during this time but want to minimize your time out in public, call or email in your order and choose one of two convenient options:
1. PICK-UP: We will get it boxed up so you can pull your car up in the 3 minute passenger load zone directly in front of the shop and we’ll run your order out to you. Please allow advance notice (1 hour minimum) to give us time to put your order together.
2. DELIVERY: Liz and I are going to assist with getting wine to those that cannot get to the Junction. We will offer limited delivery service on Tuesdays (and Friday when available). There will be a $10 delivery fee to offset gas and time. Considering one pays that much in delivery and add-on fees for meal delivery services, we feel this is reasonable while keeping the fee as low as possible. Deliveries in West Seattle only at a prearranged time. Someone 21 or over must be present at the time of drop-off.
Your bin team looks forward to seeing you! 206.937.0411 or bin41@icloud.com
Row House
Sick employees will stay home and not come to the studio. We’re asking our members to do the same if they exhibit signs of illness.
We regularly deep clean the exercise studio twice a day by vacuuming and mopping the floor. We have anti-bacterial disinfecting wipes that members use to wipe down the rowing machines, nearby floor space and hand weights after class. We are now encouraging members to wipe these down before AND after their workout.
Row House staff are disinfecting door handles, locker knobs, check-in kiosks and countertops between classes.
We are disinfecting exposed surfaces in the bathrooms 3-4x per day.
We have a Purell 70% alcohol hand sanitizer station available to members and staff in the lobby.
We’ve posted signage with “best practices for staying healthy” around the studio and are sending out marketing messaging with same.
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Fiery hair at VAIN[/caption]
We always have serious cleaning and sanitizing routines and we up the frequency of use of bleach-based cleaners and our diligence during flu season. We clean and sanitize tools and surfaces after each client. I have re-posted our protocols for all employees and made sure all hand soaps for our staff and clients are anti-microbial.
We have suspended our practice of last-minute cancellation fees to make sure no one is motivated to come to an appointment if they are sick. We also posted this change in policy on Instagram.
My Three Little Birds
We are ramping up our online sales and shipping. We are encouraging our staff to stay home if they become ill, or come in contact with anyone who is ill. We are working on deep cleaning the store as well.
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Captivating burger from Elliott Bay[/caption]
Elliott Bay
We have added having hand sanitizer out at the handwash stations.
Bikram Yoga
Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds before and after class.
Use a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water is not available
Cover your mouth with a tissue/inside of your arm if you cough or sneeze. Throw your used tissue away immediately followed by handwashing.
Refrain from touching your face
Use your own mat
Respect your personal space and those of others
Stay at home if you have a cough, cold, or fever
Supreme Pizza
Employees that may feel any symptoms of sickness are to stay home.
Although we are very critical about employee cleanliness and overall sanitation, we are emphasizing hand washing and overall sanitation and cleanliness of our environment.
Falafel Salam
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Falafel Salam delivery. $20 minimum, $5 delivery fee in select ZIP codes.[/caption]
Easy Street
We wanted to inform you how Easy Street Records is responding to COVID-19. Our community here in Seattle has been directly affected by this virus. We would like to thank all the public health officials and our local politicians for communicating with us and giving us detailed recommendations on a daily basis.
Easy Street is taking extra precautions during this time. You will see us routinely and consistently wiping down all surfaces and fixtures; glass, tables, counters, and product.
Please know that our online store
https://easystreetonline.com is always available to you if you prefer to have your items shipped. If you are in the King County area and have an order of $25 or more, we will deliver to you.
We appreciate our community, our fellow merchants, and of course our customers. We love our city and are always grateful and humbled by your presence and patronage. Let us facilitate any of your needs. Music will make you feel better. Coffee and food does too! You can reach us directly at 206-938-EASY . All deliveries and other inquiries can go directly to matt@easystreetonline.com
All ways, Easy Street
Cupcake Royale
Extra disinfecting wipes at the POS. Sick employees stay home. Lysol spraying door handles regularly.
Wild Rose’s
We’re sanitizing counter surfaces, pens, phones, and door handles and our hands all day long!
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Wall of fauna at Fleurt[/caption]
We are doing a deep clean and sanitizing all surfaces within the shop prior to opening and closing each day.
Throughout the day (after every transaction) our POS system is cleaned with an anti-bacterial cleaner.
Every time a customer comes through the door, the door handle is wiped down with a disinfectant cleaner.
Our check out area provides anti-bacterial hand wipes for our customers to use at any time.
In the event an employee is not feeling great – we will close the shop or cover that shift with a “well person”.
We spray the inside shop air several times a day with Lysol spray. We are not sure how effective this is but it does give us peace of mind.
Samples of all products have been taken off the floor. These include perfumes, lotions, soaps.
We carry tea tree oil cleaning products (safe/all natural).
West 5
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West 5 notice[/caption]
Out of an abundance of caution, we have implemented the following changes/protocols, as per guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Washington State Department of Health (DOH).
We have eliminated the pretzels at the center to reduce the number of shared touch-points
We are sanitizing all shared touch-points regularly throughout the center hours
We have placed hand sanitizers across the center and encouraging students and instructors to clean their hands regularly
We are closely monitoring all individuals present in our facility for any flu-like symptoms and sending them home immediately when identified.
Dr Korn
As a healthcare facility, we are taking extra precautions in our office to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our patients:
Any employees that are sick are asked to stay home.
Any patients with upcoming appointments who call in reporting they are feeling sick, and are unsure if they should come in, are encouraged to reschedule their appointments. Additional cleaning in our front desk and waiting area have been implemented, including setting up hand sanitizer and using disinfectant spray periodically throughout the day. We are also asking patients swish chlorhexidine, a germicidal mouth rinse, when they are chairside before starting any planned procedures.
Our office uses CaviCide1 cleaning products which are tuberculocidal, bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal. It is a fast acting solution that takes 1 minute to kill bacteria. The products are primarily used in our operatory and sterilization areas, but are now also being used in our front desk and waiting area on surfaces such as our check-in counter top.
Escape Room
My employees are sanitizing props and objects customers touch, multiple times per day. We also have a fully stocked hand sanitizer for customers to use before and after gameplay. Sick employees are given off to rest and recover.
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If you’re tired of the Happy Birthday song.[/caption]
We are using sani wipes, hand sanitizer, pine sol, and swiffer for cleaning.
We have wiped everything down in the store and not allowing anyone with a cold etc. to work. We’re also looking for a big Hand sanitizer to put on the counter.
Hope School
Our school (Hope Lutheran) did a thorough cleaning last night and plans on keeping up on that in the coming weeks. We are encouraging our parents and students to continue hand washing and good hygiene. Some parents have kept children home that are well because of concern. Our stance is that we don’t encourage keeping your child home if they are well and want to come to school, however parents know their child and family best and should do what they feel is good for their family. We are watching carefully those students that show signs of being sick at school and are being proactive about communicating information to parents and looking at the symptoms presented.
Community Acupuncture
We clean both clinics every day. We regularly clean doorknobs, handles, handrails and other shared commonly used surfaces with disinfectant spray.
We keep a regular laundry schedule and cleaning schedule of our spaces, including the restrooms.
We ask now, as we have regularly, that people with the following symptoms stay home and do NOT come into the clinic until 24 hours after these have passed: fever and/or chills, vomiting and/or diarrhea. If you can’t leave your bedroom or your bathroom, that is a message from your body that you need to stay home and rest – no other medicine could be greater. Once you are 24 hours out from having those symptoms, we invite you to come back.
We will waive late cancellation fees for anyone canceling due to suspected flu or COVID-19 infection.
If you show up at our clinic with a cough related to an upper respiratory infection, we ask you to come wearing a face mask. Only people with coughs need to wear face masks – they are not preventative.
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Sign at Community Acupuncture Project[/caption]
Stop n’ Shop
Additional cleaning with Clorox wipes at cash register area, door handles, faucets, bathrooms.
No employees at work with a cold.
School of Rock
Implementing more surface cleaning policies and also putting up posters with information on how to avoid the spread of illness.
Next to Nature
Every employee is to use hand sanitizer after each transaction.
We regularly spray keyboards, door handles, freezer handles etc… with disinfecting spray.
We will take orders over the phone all day long.
8 Limbs Yoga
No employees at work with a cold, additional cleaning and disinfecting.
Homestreet Bank
Cleaning wiping down public areas once daily at the end of night and spraying surfaces that public touch. No employees at work with a cold. Complimentary hand sanitizer for everyone at all stations.
Clients can still do their banking through drive-thru- night drop, and ATM services.
We already sanitize after every guest to get ready for the next one, dishware, glassware, countertops, the crazy amount we already wash our hands etc.
We have added Lysol wipes and hand sanitizer at the host stand up front for guests.
All employees have never been allowed to work sick. You get immediately sent home anyway. We are a small restaurant and have never been able to risk that for ourselves and especially our guests.
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Inside Carmila’s[/caption]
We’re offering a gift certificate specials and cleaning!
Wax on Spa
We have a safety preparedness plan and keep all our clients are informed.
Our performances will go on as scheduled.
The health and safety of our audiences, performers, and staff is of the utmost importance. As developments around Coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to evolve, we are receiving updates from The CDC, the Washington State Department of Health and King County Public Health for recommendations, guidance, and direction. In order to ensure the safety of our audiences, performers, and staff, additional sanitation measures have been implemented throughout the gallery/lobby, bathrooms, and theater before each performance.
King County Public Health is recommending that the following populations avoid large public gatherings:
People 60 and older.
People with underlying health conditions including heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes.
People who have weakened immune systems.
People who are pregnant.
We are happy to reschedule tickets for anyone who is unable to attend due to illness or in a high-risk category, as defined by King County Public Health. For any information on our health and safety measures or to reschedule your tickets, please email the box office at boxoffice@artswest.org OR call 206.938.0339, Thursdays thru Saturdays from 2-7:30PM.
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An array of goods from Click! Design that Fits. They also have online shopping.[/caption]
Sleepers in Seattle
Additional cleaning, sanitizing of all hard surfaces.
Senior Center of West Seattle
The Senior Center of West Seattle (SCWS) shares your concerns about the rapidly evolving and expanding global novel coronavirus (COVID-19). At this time, there are no cases of COVID-19 at the SCWS, nor any staff with symptoms.
The SCWS will continue to be closed except for essential programs listed below through March 31st following the Seattle School Closure notice and recommendations from the King County Department of Public Health.
• Community Dining – sack lunches are available between 11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
• Foodbank distributions on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m.
• Meals on Wheels will be delivered as normal on Wednesdays.
• Social Workers are continuing outreach and will have office hours for individuals as needed.
• Stop and Shop: We will keep the Stop and Shop open as long as we have volunteer coverage. Communications will go out as we know more and if we have to close.
Please call the Senior Center at 206-932-4044 if you have questions about these services or know of a senior in need of a meal or outreach.
Nurturing Expressions
Sanitizing all surfaces throughout the day and encouraging all who are sick to stay home. We are offering virtual consults and shipping of breastpumps and breastfeeding supplies.
We put the well-being of our guests and team members above all else, and are staying up-to-date with all of the latest recommendations from the CDC, as well as from our local authorities here in King County and Washington State. We’re increasing our already rigorous sanitation practices to go above and beyond keeping our restaurants clean and safe and have confirmed that our disinfectants comply with CDC recommendations. We’re also encouraging frequent hand washing, and for our team to never hesitate to stay at home if they’re feeling under the weather.
Taqueria Guaymas
We have been heavily cleaning with bleach and Clorox as well as asking sick employees to stay home.
Be sure to check out the restaurant directory too. Many of the Junction restaurants offer delivery services. The retail stores offer online shopping and shipping, or call them – they may be able to pack up your purchases for quick pick-up.