Healthy Heart Event at Pharmaca Saturday Feb 5th!

Lower stress, healthier heart – By now you’ve heart it all – boost your heart health with omega-3s and CoQ10, keep your cholesterol low, watch your blood pressure. But there’s another major factor in your heart health: stress. On Saturday, February 5th, Pharmaca will be hosting the Healthy Heart Event from 11 am to 3 pm. Pharmaca is located at 4707 California Ave SW in The Junction. So come on down to Pharmaca for:

  • Cholesterol Screenings (HDL & LDL breakout)
  • FREE Consultations with a Healthcare Practitioner
  • FREE Product Samples
  • Raffle Prizes
And be sure to save the date – Sunday, March 27th for Thriving in Menopause! Photo: Pharmaca Flyer]]>

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