Earn "Market Bucks" Shopping with Junction Merchants
Posted on: July 25, 2010

The Neighborhood Farmers Market Alliance (NFMA) has just launched a new “buy local” incentive program, “Market Bucks!” Market Bucks are worth $2 each and are usable currency for any product at the West Seattle Farmer’s Market (redeemable at all 7 local Farmer’s Markets)!
How does this work? Shop local merchants in The Junction to earn the $2 Market Bucks. Then use your Market Bucks to do your weekly shopping for produce, treats or whatever you like at the West Seattle Farmer’s Market on Sundays.
Earn Market Bucks weekdays with the following Junction Merchants:
Why Market Bucks? It’s a perfect “buy local” loop: Farmers Markets drive consumers to business corridors, businesses reward consumers with Market Bucks, and shoppers get free money to spend at the markets. After visiting the markets, shoppers patronize nearby local businesses and the cycle starts all over again. Live local, shop local. More information – In addition to offering the greatest variety and easiest access to local food, farmer-focused markets like those operated by the NFMA are one of the only ways for consumers to support farmers and make truly informed food choices. In order to sell at an NFMA market, farmers must grow their products within Washington State and only sell what they grow or raise themselves. Farmers markets aren’t just about produce either. Shoppers can expect to find cheeses from local sheep, goats and cows; eggs, meat, poultry, baked goods, preserves, wine, cider, nuts, honey, flowers, prepared foods, and more.]]>
Posted in Junction News