Dream Dinners Event – May 7

“Ugh! What do I make for dinner?” A question that is asked a couple of times during the week. Won’t it be nice to skip all the meal planning, the mess and the stress but still have a great healthy dinner to take home? Dream Dinners has the solution for that.  If you haven’t tried their meals or haven’t had their dinners in a long time, best time to visit them tonight at their No Host Dream Taste Event.  You can sample their dinners, sides and desserts! AND you can make 3 dinners for only $24.99.  It’s a steal! Be there at 5:00, 5:45 or 6:30 PM to enjoy their sample dinners! Dream Dinners is located at the West Seattle Junction at 4701 41st Ave SW, Suite 110, Seattle, WA 98116.  ]]>

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