Day of Giving Fueled by Junction Businesses
On April 29th, Junction businesses will donate 10% of their sales to nonprofits.
We are pleased to announce the second annual Junction Day of Giving Saturday, April 29th, starting at 10am! During this fundraising event, local Junction businesses will team up with their favorite nonprofits for a fun day of shopping and eating to benefit a variety of important causes. You can stop by your favorite Junction retailers and restaurants to lend your support by making purchases, and making a difference.
This event came about in response to the desire of our local businesses to have a day to celebrate the spirit of “neighbors helping neighbors” that is so prevalent in West Seattle. Within The Junction business community, there is a profound sense that giving back is the right thing to do. Many Junction businesses already actively contribute to local nonprofits and community initiatives throughout the year – both financially and through volunteer hours.
Many Junction business owners and their employees feel that by supporting local nonprofits, they can bring greater attention to this important work and help the West Seattle neighborhood to thrive. “We are continually surprised and humbled by the support our community extends to us, and want to give back in whatever way we can to say thanks and support others,” said owner John Smersh of Click! Design That Fits.
The Junction’s Day of Giving
Saturday, April 29th / West Seattle Junction/10am – 6pm]]>