Dance Bites – Belly Dancing June 2nd @ 7p
Posted on: May 27, 2022

June’s Dance Bites is heading to North Africa. Grab your ticket to join in on this exotic experience of belly dancing and tapas. Your instructor is none other than the famous Nadira, Seattle’ premier belly dance instructor. This is a class for everyone-no need to be shy. Every participant will receive a coupon for 20% off their meal at Itto’s Tapas. Come out, learn a new dance move, and get an amazing meal all right here in the Junction.
Dance Bites: Belly Dancing – Thursday June 2nd, 7p
at Jet City Labs
Big shout out, Altamira. for their generous sponsorship of this event!
Dance Bites is a celebration of culture brought to you by Jet City Labs, the West Seattle Junction Association, and local partnering businesses.
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