Caspar Babypants at Easy Street Records
Posted on: December 6, 2016
Easy Street Records
4559 California Ave SW
Caspar Babypants is also known as Chris Ballew, twice Grammy nominated lead singer and songwriter for the Seattle band The Presidents of the United States of America. A bunch of years ago Chris rediscovered turn of the century folk and traditional music and focused on a more simple approach that gave birth to Caspar Babypants. His wife Kate Endle is a huge influence toward his transformation and writing style for kids and does all the cover art for the albums. Chris says, “I want to make music for the very young because I admire their associative inventive imaginations and as an adult I nurture that same creativity in myself.”
Join your neighborhood for this FREE music concert brought to you by your West Seattle Merchants, the West Seattle & Fauntleroy YMCA and Easy Street Records.
Posted in Events, Junction News