SOL Fundraising It's a Win-Win
Posted on: August 15, 2018
![SOL Postcard Front
2.5′ x 6′ banner for onsite advertising
4″ x 6″ postcards

11″ x 17″ posters and 12″ x 18″ yard sign outside of your business showing your support

Table toppers and beer taps if you’re selling the SOL Junction Pale

More about the community parking lots:
Community attachment is an emotional connection to a place that transcends satisfaction, loyalty, and even passion. A community’s most attached residents have strong pride in it, a positive outlook on the community’s future, and a sense that it is the perfect place for them. Factors with the strongest links to community attachment include places for people to meet. The parking lots meet the needs of our neighborhoods by providing accessible free locations our community (young families and seniors alike) can depend upon. In addition, our major lot housing 96 parking spaces is located adjacent to the Senior Center of West Seattle. This valuable placement allows for seniors to engage with and depend upon vital services necessary for good health (both mental and physical). The Junction parking lots promotes neighborhood well-being, a place for community members to park, and because the lots are free, a vital asset to citizens who cannot afford parking fees. To remove the ability for our neighbors to park in the Junction would be devastating to young families, seniors and our under-served population. The BIA strongly believes in the community benefit provided through these parking lots. We believe the West Seattle Junction is the core of West Seattle where neighbors come together to meet and hold events that promote community openness and diversity. These 228 spaces help make this possible. With the ongoing fundraising that will off-set skyrocketing property taxes, the BIA would invest more into our safe and clean programming. We would increase our city cleaning contract, and increase our internal maintenance staffing and security. The Junction provides unique zest for the area’s identity and is the very definition of tangible community-building. Your fundraising will support how the West Seattle Junction Association impacts our neighborhood in a positive way. To get started, call with the Junction 206-935-0904 or contact the Junction via email.]]>
Posted in Events, Junction News