Apply for Summer Fest Community Tent
Posted on: May 6, 2015

Photo by Tanya Izadora Photography[/caption]
The West Seattle Junction Association is again offering the FREE Community Tent at West Seattle Summer Fest – July 10, 11, and 12. The purpose of this area at Summer Fest is to allow our small neighborhood non-profits and community groups easy access to the event and their community – free of charge!
We are now accepting requests for space from West Seattle non-profits and community groups. We will select groups who strive to benefit, strengthen, and educate our community.
Here are the Community Tent details:
The Community Tent will be located on Alaska St, east of California. Tent, tables, and chairs will be provided. Participants are encouraged to set up their table & area with displays which reflect their mission and contributions to the West Seattle Community. Please feel free to bring props, brochures and such, which will entice folks to stop and chat with you about your organization. NO SALES PLEASE. Shift changes will be a little cozy, so we’ll all have a chance to get friendly and help each other out, if needed.Event Hours:
Friday: 10 am – 6 pm Saturday: 10 am – 6 pm Sunday: 11 am – 5 pmCommunity Tent Shifts:
Friday/Saturday: 4-hour slots 10 am – 2 pm 2 pm – 6 pm Sunday: 3-hour slots 11 am – 2 pm 2 pm – 5 pm If your neighborhood non-profit or community group is interested in being a part of the Summer Fest Community Tent, please e-mail Jenelle, Marketing and Office Manager at the West Seattle Junction Association by June 27th at We are looking forward to hearing from you!Applications Open for WSSF Community Tent
Due by June 27th / email /]]>
Posted in Junction News