Annual Fashion Spring Fling March 29th!

THE WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION WELCOMES SPRING IN STYLE – SHOPPERS HIT CARMILIA’S, CLEMENTINE, EDIE’S, SWEETIE AND WEST 5 FOR ANNUAL FASHION SPRING FLING! March may have come in like a lion, but it’s leaving in style thanks to West Seattle Junction merchants Carmilia’s, Clementine, Edie’s, Sweetie and West 5’s annual Fashion Spring Fling. Shoppers near and far will head to the bustling heart of West Seattle for a night of shopping the freshest spring styles, door prizes and FREE sparkling wine, Thursday, March 29th from 7 to 10 pm. Just pick up a punch card at any of the participating boutiques and stop by each store to get it punched (no purchase necessary). Full cards are redeemable at West 5 for a complimentary glass of sparkling wine. Attendees are asked to bring a donation to the West Seattle Food Bank to help those in need.  Photo on right: Guide Bootie by John Fluevog $298 at Clementine (Photo by Jordan Bradbury)  ]]>

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