Westside Neighbors Network
New Neighborhood Group in West Seattle. Here’s their vision for West Seattle seniors.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 11th 5pm – 6:30pm Senior Center of West Seattle
We are working to create a Village on the Westside. A Village is a member-driven, intergenerational, grassroots organization bringing neighbors together to help each other stay in their community as they age. Members have one-call access to volunteer help for in-home services, transportation and vetted service providers as well as social and educational events that support connectedness and friendships. At its core, a Village is based on reciprocity – with Village members using their skills to help other members while receiving the support they need to remain in their community.
The Village movement began in Boston’s Beacon Hill neighborhood in 2002 and has since spread to over 200 communities nationwide. There are currently 3 Villages in Seattle and several other neighborhoods are in various stages of planning theirs. Our village is called “Westside Neighbors Network.” Our stated mission is: To nurture a lively and engaged community that celebrates and supports positive aging. Village members connect with each other, with knowledge, and with resources to enable them to live full lives as they age in their westside neighborhood.
For more information please visit our website: westsideneighborsnetwork.org or email westsideneighborsnetwork@gmail.com
Do you have a West Seattle neighborhood group? Email admin@wsjunction.org to be highlighted. Committed to connecting West Seattle.