West Seattle Stewardship & Sustainability Education Forum at Camp Long March 5th

West Seattle Stewardship & Sustainability Education Forum with Acting Superintendent of Parks, Christopher Williams.
Goal: Gather leaders, businesses, schools, and other organizations and stakeholders from the community to share and explore opportunities for collaborative programming and resource development to implement sustainability education opportunities for everyone in West Seattle.
Key Note Address by Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Chair, Martha Kongsgaard.
Where: Camp Long Environment Center – 5200 35th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126
When: Tuesday, March 5th from 3-6 pm (clock hours provided). Hors d’oeuvres and snacks for meet and greet networking from 6 to 7pm.
For more information contact: Sheila Brown at 206-684-7415 or sheila.brown@seattle.gov