The Big Bonanza – August 20, 2011

The Junction’s End of Summer Sale
The Big Bonanza features Western themed grub from Junction restaurants and deep discounts on past and current season merchandise from over 35 Junction merchants including shoes, apparel, books, music, flowers, perfume, French pastry and pub food.
At the event, a checked tablecloth and red balloons will indicate that a retailer is offering specials that day.
A complete list of participants:
Bakery Nouveau
Bin 41
City Mouse Studio and Store
Click! Design That Fits
Coffee to a Tea
Cupcake Royale
Curious Kidstuff
Discovery Shop
Easy Street Records
Edie’s Shoes
Funky Janes Consignment
Hotwire Online Coffeehouse
Jan’s Beauty Supply
JF Henry
knows perfume
Northwest Art and Frame
Rubato Records
Seattle Logo Pro
Shoofly Pie Company
Sound Advice
Stop N Shop
Suite Arrangements
Super Supplements
Terjung’s Studio of Gifts
The Forsythe Studio
The Sneakery
Twilight Artist Collective
Wallflower Custom Framing
Wild Rose’s