Shipwrecked! An Entertainment opens April 27th at ArtsWest

Shipwrecked! An Entertainment opens Wednesday, April 27th and runs through Saturday, May 21st at ArtsWest!
“In Shipwrecked! An Entertainment, three performers enact a dazzling adventure tale using the simple magic of the theater. In tones somewhere between storybook narrator and sideshow barker, a middle-aged charmer named Louis de Rougemont unfolds a tale of sailing to a South Seas paradise to dive for pearls, evade monsters of the deep, and survive for decades among the natives. Two other actors not only play all the remaining roles, from a crusty sea captain to a trusty dog, they also create a world of live sound effects that bring the globe-spanning story to life.”
Written by the Pulitzer Prize winning author Donald Margulies (Collected Stories and Dinner with Friends) and directed by Christopher Zinovitch. Recommended for ages 9 and older. Click here for tickets Or call (206) 938-0339 to place your order by phone.