Tricia DiBernardo, Owner, Red Cup Espresso

Tricia DiBernardo, Owner, Red Cup Espresso
What do you like about doing business in The Junction?
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I love the people! Getting to know our regular customers, watching their kids grow up, and making friends with them has been super rewarding. Thanks to our customers for all their support – we appreciate it!
How many years have you been in business?
Red Cup has been here in the Junction for 7 years. It will be 3 years for me as the owner here in May.
Who are you customers?
We get commuters on their way to work, neighbors, Farmer’s Market patrons, tourists, Hybrid/Prius owners, customers who know about our solar panels and energy saving practices. It’s nice to get recognition from the community.
What do you like about owning your own business?
“I get to be a playa!” No, seriously though, I get to be off the wall with people. No limit on fun! I have a lot of freedom and interaction with people. It is rewarding to do things that make a good impression on people.
Who is your role model?
My mom, she’s an entrepreneur, a cool lady, fun and engaging. She owns Roast House Coffee in Spokane, our new organic coffee blend! I admire what she does and she has always been so strong. She was the rock in our family.
What do you enjoy in your free time?
I spend time with Nina, my daughter. I do a lot of domestic stuff – cook, shop and play!
What do you love about West Seattle?
It is a gorgeous place to live with the mountains, water, trees – the landscape is beautiful! The sense of community, it is close-knit, secure, and safe.
What sort of music do you listen to?
We have Pandora on a lot with all kinds of music! I like hip-hop, reggae, and soul – I am particularly fond of the Brazilian Girls.]]>