Pet Selfies for Valentine's at Hotwire
Posted on: February 6, 2015

Give your furry one a little love this Valentine’s Day and stop by Hotwire for a selfie with the giant Hotwire selfie heart.
Bring in your pet to Hotwire for a little love on Valentine’s Day, February 14th from 8am to 5pm. Pet selfies all day long in our covered patio with the giant Hotwire selfie heart. We’ll have special treats for the pets, and if you go to the Hotwire Facebook page, an offer you can claim for a free 8oz latte the day of the event.Hotwire will also be running specials on drinks, Valentines blend coffee and their popular love coupons. Make sure you visit their website for more details. Hotwire Coffee is located in the West Seattle Junction at 4410 California Ave SW.]]>
Posted in Junction News