Northwest Center's Big Blue Sunday

Clean Your Closets, West Seattle!
Donate on Big Blue Sunday, April 6, and Enter to Win a $100 Gift Card
West Seattle residents can get a jump on spring cleaning, get registered to win a $100 gift card to Value Village and give new opportunities to people with developmental disabilities. All they have to do is: Donate Clothes to The Big Blue Truck in West Seattle on Big Blue Sunday: April 6, 2014, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Big Blue Sunday kicks off The Big Blue Closet Clean Out. That’s when regional non-profit Northwest Center and KIRO 7 Cares urge Puget Sound locals to donate clothing and shoes to help Northwest Center provide education and job training to people with developmental disabilities. Learn more at
Where and When:
The Big Blue Truck in the Diamond Parking Lot across from Uptown Espresso,
4306 SW Edmunds St, Seattle, WA 98116; April 6, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Drop off your donation and get registered for a chance to win one of five $100 gift cards to Value Village. View full contest details and official rules here.
Donate Clothes, Shoes, Linens: View the full list of acceptable donations.
Can’t make it to Big Blue Sunday? . Donate to The Big Blue Truck or The Big Blue Bin: find a location. . We’ll come to you: call (800) 992-2060 or schedule a pickup online. . Host a clothing drive at work!Northwest Center offers essential support to people with developmental disabilities at all stages of life through early intervention, inclusive classrooms, employment services and jobs. When people of all abilities learn and work together, everyone benefits.]]>