Dream Dinners for Beginners
Posted on: January 5, 2017

Dream Dinners Open House
Been thinking about giving Dream Dinners a try? Dream Dinners has a special event just for you! You make three dinners for just $34.99 at their exclusive New Guest Open House. See how Dream Dinners saves you time and money, sample some of their nutritious and delicious dinners and watch a demonstration of exactly how it works. Then you will make your three dinners to take home and try with your family. Join Dream Dinners: Tuesday, January 10th at 5:30 and 7:00 PM Register at: Dreamdinners.com/westseattle Password: dinner 4701 41st Ave SW Suite 110 Questions?? Call or email 206 938 5999 westseattlewa@dreamdinners.com Already a Dream Dinners Guest? Tell your friends and family, bring 1 to 2 guests and you make 3 dinners for $34.99, or bring 3 or more friends and make your dinners for FREE. * * One offer per household ]]>
Posted in Events, Junction News